Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Gymnastic Experience

The gymnastics experience was really exciting. The children enjoyed being able to try so many different activities. Thank you to the parents who helped make it so much fun!

Ag Day

What an amazing experience Ag Day was for all of us. We saw so many wonderful things and got to use our creativity. Enjoy the photos.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4. This is going to be a very busy term, lots of fun and lots of work. Enjoy the last part of this journey for 2017!

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Book Spine Titles Competition

The school library recently held a competition to see who could tell a story using various titles of books. Four of the Room 2 children entered and showed how clever they are.

Father's Day

We made our special fathers a photo frame to say thank you for everything they do for us. Then we wrote about our fathers.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Season Trees

We made some beautiful trees this term We first looked at the changes in each season and then coloured and cut out shapes for each of the parts of the tree. After that we wrote about the trees and put together a book to make our season story.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Sign Language

Room 2 presented the sign language learnt in Term 2 at the Assembly in Week 2. We have really enjoyed learning another language and hope we will have the opportunity to learn even more by the end of the year.
These are: beer, coffee, Wednesday and pizza.